About Us
Meiden America Switchgear is proud to be headquartered near Greenville, South Carolina.
We design, manufacture, test and sell high-voltage vacuum circuit breakers (VCB) and vacuum interrupters (VI).
Grand Opening
On February 9, 2021, Meiden America Switchgear celebrated its Grand Opening and first shipment.
Meiden America Switchgear is a subsidiary of Meidensha Corporation. Meidensha has been producing 72.5 kV dry-air insulated vacuum circuit breakers since 2004 and has been producing vacuum interrupter bottles since 1967. Meidensha corporation was founded in 1897.
2200 N Old Laurens Rd, Gray Court, SC 29645
A Message from our President
Yukihiro Takeshita
In 2002 Meidensha developed the world’s first 72.5 kV Dry Air Insulated Dead Tank VCB (Dry Air VCB). To date, more than 2,500 72.5kV Dry Air VCB’s have been delivered all over the world including more than 1,000 units to our North American customers. Another milestone in Meidensha’s innovative product development was achieved with the introduction of the world’s first 145 kV Dry Air Insulated Dead Tank VCB (Dry Air VCB) in late 2021.